4 Ways to Quickly Improve Your LinkedIn Company Page
LinkedIn has become one of the ultimate networking tools for businesses and their employees. While most focus on updating their skills and job titles on the personal page, the company page often gets overlooked. Maintaining your company page is integral to prospective buyers, customers, or partners when determining whether or not they are going to go with your products or services.
The Company Page often gets neglected and updated less frequently than it should. So here are four ways to wow the visitors on your page and improve your company’s online profile through LinkedIn.
1. Create a Content Calendar
Former US President Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Positioning your Content on LinkedIn is no different. Planning out your posts at least a few weeks in advance will allow you and your team to have more freedom when a surprise accomplishment or announcement is made within your business.
Content Calendars also allow you to forecast where posts should go so they don’t clog up timelines. For example, religious holidays and company anniversaries often get posted and then there’s no follow-up post with a product or service offering for days, if not, weeks at a time. Planning out your posts will enable the company to post more effective content, more often.
2. Update Your About Us, Profile Picture and Banner
Nothing deters a prospect or potential partner more than a lack of information along with a dated, low-quality image. It is incredibly important that the ‘About Us’, Image Banner and Company Profile Picture be sharp, professional, and represent the pulse of your company brand.
There are artistic tools, like Canva’s LinkedIn Banners, that have LinkedIn banner templates built-in already so there’s no excuse not to have one! As for the ‘About Us’ section, making the words mirror your company’s attitude is so important in 2022 and beyond.
Take a look at TechWyse’s LinkedIn bio for inspiration.
3. RePurpose, ReUse, ReCycle!!!
There is no shame in updating old content and then posting it with a refreshed look. In fact, it’s encouraged! Reusing old content is essential for filling up your content calendar and keeping your archived articles accurate. Recycling content also helps to add or update your links or calls to action that could possibly be dated.
The Digital Marketing landscape changes annually and our team at TechWyse ensures that our content is updated and refreshed regularly and we do the same for our clients. Even if your content is a few years old, as long as it’s still accurate it will positively enlighten your followers and shed knowledgeable light on your company.
4. Encourage Employee Involvement
The biggest companies like Google, SpaceX and Pepsi all have different ways of using their LinkedIn profiles to promote their employee culture. Many of their employees like, share, and post the company’s content which helps your business become more visible.
Company blogs are a great way to get your employees involved. It helps build organic content, increase the chance to acquire solid backlinks, and populate your content calendar. TechWyse and its employees are encouraged to submit and share the blogs on their timelines and it’s proven to be effective in building up the employee and the company at the same time.
If you’re looking to take your Company’s LinkedIn Page to the top, then look no further than TechWyse! Call 1-855-596-1770 to speak to a Solutions Manager today.
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