How to Keep Track of Email Marketing Metrics: A Closer Look
Did you know that, according to Review 42, over 300 billion emails were sent (and received) every day of the year 2020? Additionally, in 2019, there were almost four billion users of email globally, and there are around over one billion Google email accounts globally.
Considering these statistics, it’s clear how important it is for small businesses to focus on their email marketing efforts.
One of the most important elements of email marketing is email marketing metrics. However, if you own a small business and don’t know how to keep track of these metrics, this can be quite stressful.
Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review how you can keep track of these metrics. Finally, you can improve your email marketing and get more customers than ever. Read on to learn more.
Clickthrough Rate
When it comes to email marketing tips, one of the most common is to learn what the clickthrough rates are for your emails so that you can bring them up over time. However, you might be wondering, “What is a clickthrough rate?”
The clickthrough rate for an email is the percentage of people who clicked on a link or links present within that email.
To calculate this rate, you have to divide the unique clicks or total clicks by the number of total emails you’ve delivered. Then, you have to multiply this by 100, and you’ll have your percentage.
This helps you understand how well an email is performing.
By using a software solution like Vertical Response, you can find out what your clickthrough rates are.
All you have to do is go to their Comparison Reports to see how well the emails you’ve sent are doing in comparison to others you’ve sent in terms of click-rate and other ways.
Bounce Rate
Another important metric to have, when it comes to making your email marketing strategies as effective as possible, is the bounce rate. The bounce rate represents the percentage of your emails that weren’t sent successfully to the inbox of recipients.
To calculate this rate, you have to divide total the number of emails that are bounced by the total number of emails you’ve sent. Then, multiply this by 100 to get your percentage.
VerticalResponse also makes it possible for you to find out what your bounce rate is. All you have to do is go to the Domain Reports section of the software.
Then, you can find out the information you need to change your emails so that they’re less likely to bounce.
VerticalResponse also makes it possible for you to access your bounce rate through the Multiple Lists Metrics. This is helpful if you have a campaign that you’re sending to more than one email list.
Open Rate
Another important email marketing metric is the open rate. This rate is the percentage of recipients of your email who, after receiving the email, open it. It’s important to note, however, that the clickthrough rate is more important as a rate.
However, you can still use the open rate if you’re going to use it in a comparative metric way.
For example, you can compare this metric from one week and the week before it when comparing two different emails sent to the same list.
Through VerticalResponse, you can track the open rate of emails.
Simply go to Comparison Rates, where you can find out what your open rates are, in relation to both the number of words within your email’s subject line and to the characters within your email’s subject line.
Unsubscribe Rate
The unsubscribe rate is another email marketing metric you can use to improve your email marketing campaigns. This rate is the percentage that represents how many recipients of your emails unsubscribe from your business’s send list after having opened an email.
It’s important to note that this rate isn’t as important as other metrics since a lot of people will “unsubscribe” without actually doing so (for example, ignoring emails from your brand or deleting them).
However, it’s important to keep track of this metric over the long term because it will help you understand a bit more about the overall growth of your email list.
You can use VerticalResponse to understand what your unsubscribe rate is.
There are two ways you can do this. The first is to go to the Domain Reports section, after which you can learn about how each email performs in several ways, including unsubscribes.
The second is to go to the Multiple Lists Metrics. As with other rates you can find in this part of the software, it can be helpful in understanding how an email performs across multiple lists.
As a result, you can understand your unsubscribe rates in terms of how they work when you’re sending them to multiple lists.
Want To Learn More About Using Email Marketing Metrics?
Now that you’ve learned about how to keep track of email marketing metrics with VerticalResponse, you might want to learn more about how to use them. Maybe you want to learn how to improve them or what other metrics you can get by using this software.
Whatever you want to learn, you can learn more by getting in touch with us at VerticalResponse.
We’re experts when it comes to email marketing and can help you with a variety of email marketing needs. We also offer email marketing software. To learn more about this software, get more information now.
© 2022, Chris Duncan. All rights reserved.
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